To Hire

As a Business Owner/Manager you can use our platform to hire temporary employees on demand from your phone or desktop. Post the day, time, shift/job duration and instantly get available candidates to select from. There is no cost to join and no monthly service fee.

How it works:

Create your account and register your Business

Post your job:

Choose the Position.

Choose the Start Date. It could be today (your Hygienist just called in sick) or any date in the future (you will need temp employee to cover upcoming vacation of your Dental Assistant).

When Start Date is selected, let’s say June 1, you can offer shifts from the next 14 days (June 1 - 14). Shifts could be in sequence, but don’t have to be. For example, you can post that you need a temp Dental Receptionist on June 1, 3, 7 and 10.

Provide shift duration including unpaid breaks for every shift.

Add the comment to your Job Posting and post.

Hire an Applicant:

Open the list of people who applied. You can sort this list by Applicants’ experience, hourly rate, average rating, rating by your office.

See more details of applicants that you’re interested in. Choose which applicant you want to hire. Hired Applicant will be notified by email and/or text message, and will come to work for the assigned shift.

Manage currently employed temp workers:

Open list with currently employed temp workers.

Choose one of them to enter actual shift duration when shift is complete. Ask this temp employee to do the same from his side.

If actual time entered by Business and Employee is the same, please pay.

If actual time is not the same, explanation will be required and dispute will be open.

By the end of last shift you will have an option to score an Employee.

See your Job Postings History

Cost To You:

Once a month we will email you an invoice. Our fee is 10% of the total amount that you paid to all temp Employees that were hired via our website.

You will pay via PayPal link provided on above email/invoice.

You will have an option to search and open any previously paid invoice.